
Modi's comments and claims- The mismatch

Written by : TNM

By Parikshit ShahNarendra Modi, the man with PM aspiration and presently CM of Gujarat. Many people badly want to tag him as ‘Vikas Purush’. A big section of right wingers trying to establish him as ‘Hindu Hriday Samrat’ or ‘Hindu Nationalist’. The man called NaMo, is popular for his vibrant politics of “Development," but is that all he offers?Has he said anything apart from development? Is he so pure that he never did any kind of Neech Raajniti? Let’s get insight!It was in the year 2002, that Modi emerged as Firebrand Hindu. His involvement in the riots has always remained questionable. But let’s go through his few statements made on the riots. The “Action-Reaction” theory by Modi shocked everyone and made think! Beyond imagination, on September 9, 2002 Modi said “what should we do? Do we go and run relief camps? Should we open child producing centers? Hum paanch, humare pachees (We five, our 25)” Can we term this as ‘sensitivity’ towards riot victims? Does it show any intention for rehabilitation of the families that suffered from riots? In an interview to Reuters, he said ‘even if a puppy comes under the wheels, will it be painful or not?’ Then on, BJP started clarifying about ‘feelings’ behind that statement. But, can we digest that a person, who is willing to be PM of India, will be so casual in selecting his words? Very recently, Modi said ‘I feel sad about what happened", but no mention of guilt. Should that not make a difference? If the killing of thousands of people under his watch doesn't make him feel guilty, then what does?He speaks about 'One India without differences of religion'. Then what was the context of ‘Burqa of secularism’? Again the question is, ‘was he really so casual’? In a rally done in Faizabad, he took name of “Ram” again and again, doesn’t it raise any question? The stage from where he addressed that rally had the Hindu God and a temple as his backdrop, was that carelessness or extra-smartness? Modi says ‘Hindus coming from Bangladesh should be accommodated’ but he also says ‘infiltrators should be sent back’. If he was so clear about his policies on infiltrators, then why the special mention of Hindus in that?Replying to Priyanka Gandhi he mentioned “Neechi Jaati”. Priyanka talked about ‘Neech Rajniti’ but Modi took it all the way to Jaati (caste). Isn’t it the desperate attempt to score brownie points by referring to his caste? “Scavenging must have been a spiritual experience for the Valmiki caste” his statement in a book named Karmayog! Can any liberal person will be willing to buy this statement? For a minute, let’s assume that Modi was born and brought up in backward caste, how can he use such words for own people!Going further, he claims women empowerment for half of India’s population. Then what did he think when he said ‘fashion consciousness' is reason behind malnutrition in women of Gujarat! What did he want to prove by tagging one’s wife with “50 crore ki girlfriend”? Do these statements have anything to do with women empowerment? Beyond these statements, we can’t forget the Saheb kind of women security! What kind of security was that which included snooping & stalking? Doesn’t nation deserve clarification on this?Modi never bothered to give any direct clarification on any controversy. Can that be termed as arrogance or ignorance?Parikshit is a student, Congress supporter and activist. Follow @imparixitThe opinions expressed in this articles are the personal opinions of the author. The News Minute is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability or validity of any information in this article. The information, facts or opinions appearing in this article do not reflect the views of The News Minute and The News Minute does not assume any liability on the same.

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