KCR asks officials to remain on high alert as COVID-19 cases rise in Telangana

The coronavirus tally in the state has reached 531, of which 16 have died and 103 have been discharged.
KCR asks officials to remain on high alert as COVID-19 cases rise in Telangana
KCR asks officials to remain on high alert as COVID-19 cases rise in Telangana
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Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao urged the people to remain cautious and directed official machinery to be more vigilant as there was an increase in the spread of COVID-19 in the state and in India.

The state reported 28 new cases on Sunday, besides two deaths. Seven people who recovered were also discharged. With this, the coronavirus tally in the state reached 531, of which 16 have died and 103 have been discharged. A total of 412 patients are presently undergoing treatment.

“If we observe developments world-wise, country-wise and in Telangana, it is clear that the coronavirus is spreading and not stopping. The situation is scary in the neighbouring Maharashtra state. There is an increase in positive cases all over the country. Death toll also increased. This is the reason that we have decided to extend the lockdown period," a statement from the Chief Minister's Office (CMO) quotes KCR as saying.

The state has extended its lockdown till April 30.

"People should understand the intensity of the situation. Confine yourselves to homes as much as possible. In case people need to go out, maintain social distancing strictly. Personal hygiene is a must," he added, urging people to cooperate with authorities.

“Official machinery should also be on high alert. Conduct tests whenever there are symptoms. Collect data of all the people that the coronavirus positive patients met and interacted with and find out where they went. Conduct tests for them. Increase checks at inter-state borders and step up restrictions," the Chief Minister further said.

On steps taken to trace Tablighi Jamaat returnees in the state, he said, "Identification of those who attended the religious congregation at Delhi and their medical examination is underway."

KCR was speaking at a high-level review meeting on Sunday at Pragathi Bhavan in Hyderabad on measures taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Health Minister Eatala Rajender, Chief Advisor Rajiv Sharma, Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar and other senior officials participated in the meeting.


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