Marketing 101: Online Tools to Grow Your Business

Back in the day, when Google’s search algorithms didn’t reign supreme, the only way you could market your business event was by advertising it in newspapers, television, or billboards.
Marketing 101: Online Tools to Grow Your Business
Marketing 101: Online Tools to Grow Your Business
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But that changed with the birth of the internet, and with that, digital marketing became the new normal.

Thanks to its ever-expanding power, digital marketing can help you reach more people than ever before without breaking the bank. On the contrary, if you’re a small business, you might feel you’re up against the wall because you don’t have the budget like the big boys in town do. Against such odds, how can you even compete with them? Fortunately, these online tools level the playing field!

Search engine optimization (SEO) makes the world go round

SEO is the cornerstone of all things digital marketing. Have you ever wondered how Google ranks websites when it spews out millions of search results in a hierarchy? That’s SEO at work. When you have mastered the art of SEO, climbing Google’s search results hierarchy becomes easier.

But why does this matter, though? It’s simple – the higher your website ranks, the more it’s visible. If you manage to reach the top, your website will get 31.7% of all the clicks! That’s no walk in the park, mind you. It’s excruciating to reach Google’s first SERP (search engine ranking page) and then maintain that ranking. 

For starters, target long-tail keywords because they accommodate specific search queries. Also, keep a sharp eye on your competitors’ SEO strategy and how many searches each target keyword gets. You can use online tools like SEMrush and Google Keyword Planner to do that. Of course, if this confuses you, it’s better to let a professional handle your SEO.

A website blog that rains content

Content is king in all things digital marketing. The more content you publish, the more visible your website gets on Google, especially if you have nailed your SEO. While SEO can help you climb Google’s SERP, it’s your content that creates the real traction. After all, what’s SEO good for if your content doesn’t appeal to the audience?

To keep your content game strong, you need to have a website blog where you can post articles regularly. It’s crucial that your content adds value for your target audience and heals its pain points. By creating a blog, you can engage with potential customers and give them the information they need to make the right purchasing decisions. 

Awesome content, backed with SEO is the key ingredient for a successful online marketing campaign. Keep in mind, though, building organic traction doesn’t happen overnight, so be patient and stick to a regular publishing schedule. More importantly, you’ll have to measure your SEO performance routinely. I always use Google Analytics and Moz to see how well my SEO stacks up against Google’s algorithms. You’ll need to get familiar with both these tools initially, otherwise, you can also hire an SEO professional.

Email marketing breeds loyalty

If you aren't already collecting the email addresses of your prospective customers, it’s high time you started doing that. Email marketing is a handy advertising tool that portrays your services as a lifesaver to potential clients. But it’s easy to lose track and fall over. Companies often make the mistake of sending too many emails and end up driving customers away.

People are too lazy to wade through walls of lifeless text. That's why your emails should attract the reader and create a strong first impression at first glance. Make your email clear and uncluttered. Instead of creating a wall of text, provide just the right amount of information to your audience. As tempting as it may be to start advertising your services immediately, doing so might make you fall on deaf ears.

Once you’re familiar with these rules, you can start sending out emails and newsletters to your subscribers. You can use tools like MailChimp and Hubspot to set up an email list, manage subscribers, and send out email newsletters. Using creative event flyer templates can make your emails stand out even more.

What’s a marketing campaign without social media?

Social media is the air we all breathe today. Its omnipresence lets you reach out to millions of people at a moment’s notice. Before you jump the gun, find a platform that’s right for your business. 

If you’re trying to reach millennials interested in fashion or DIY projects, then Pinterest might be better than Facebook because it’s used by youngsters. Similarly, if you’re a clothing outlet, Instagram can work like magic because it’s geared towards fashion and luxury. Having done that, you can now run paid promotional ads that specifically target users based on interests, demographics, and past purchase behavior.

Perhaps what’s even more important is to maintain a consistent presence on social media. The best of doing that is to post engaging content regularly. This will keep your followers coming back for more. I recommend posting short creative videos on Twitter using a free video-maker called Biteable. This easy-to-use software will not only make crafting videos child’s play but also help you systematize your content schedule.


With these online marketing tools in your arsenal, you’ll be able to grow your business online and reach more customers than ever before. Just remember that marketing is a marathon and not a sprint. It might take a while for your efforts to pay off, so don't give up! 

This isn’t the end of the list as there are several other tools such as affiliate marketing or pairing up with a YouTuber. At the end of the day, it all depends on the kind of business and products you have.

Content created in association with PosterMyWall.

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