Are you a COVIDIOT? Find out if you qualify

Think rasam can stop coronavirus or that social distancing is only for everyone else? Find out what the world calls you.
Are you a COVIDIOT? Find out if you qualify
Are you a COVIDIOT? Find out if you qualify
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If you're exhausted explaining to your elderly parents why they should avoid crowds though they drink rasam every day or have spent hours trying to make your cousins understand why they should social distance despite not belonging to the 'high risk' category, you're not alone. Thousands of people around the world are attempting to do what you're doing - drive sense into their near and dear ones who just don't get it.

And now, there's a term that this community of exhausted people has coined to describe the ones who are getting on their nerves - COVIDIOTS. The Urban Dictionary defines a COVIDIOT thus:

Someone who ignores the warnings regarding public health or safety.

A person who hoards goods, denying them from their neighbors.

Did you see that covidiot with 300 rolls of toilet paper in his basket?

That covidiot is hugging everyone she sees.

PM Narendra Modi had asked peope to pay tribute to doctors and health workers by clapping or banging utensils from their balconies at 5 pm on Sunday. However, the avalanche of misinformation around the Janata Curfew saw several COVIDIOTS across India celebrating the 'death' of the virus by banging utensils and clapping hands. Even this misconception would have been harmless if not for the fact that many of them thought it was appropriate to gather together and even take processions against the coronavirus! This defeated the purpose of the curfew, which was to get people to stay indoors and practise social distancing.

Malayalis trended #veetilirimyire (stay at home, followed by a cussword) after reports emerged of a Kasaragod man from Kerala who returned from Dubai and attended several crowded events - three weddings, a football match and even a cradle ceremony - despite having symptoms. He later tested positive for COVID-19, forcing the Kerala government to shut down the district. The hashtag has been clubbed with #COVIDIOT by a few too, to emphasise that people should follow quarantine instructions and not endanger others.

Across the world, people have been expressing their frustration at those who remain convinced that COVID-19 is "just the flu" or are refusing to acknowledge the dangers that they're subjecting others to with their irresponsible behaviour.

People have also been tweeting stories of doctors and health workers who are putting themselves out in the frontlines because of COVIDIOTS who just won't sit at home and follow instructions. 

The choice is yours - do you want to be a COVIDIOT or lie down on your couch and save the world?

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