Revealed: The reason behind Times Now's decibel levels

Revealed: The reason behind Times Now's decibel levels
Revealed: The reason behind Times Now's decibel levels
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The News Minute | December 27, 2014 | 08:45 am IST 

Times Now has finally come out with a response to a question the nation has been aching to know. 

The channel has released a short promo video explaining the often cacophonous atmosphere in several of its programmes, especially during The News Hour anchored by editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami. 

Anchors are frequently seen blaring their voice at guest speakers; their aggressive approach towards almost every topic is something the channel seems to be known for. 

Some times criticised, at others trolled for this very attitude, the channel thought of explaining to its audience why they do, what they do. Surprisingly the decibel levels in the promo is quite toned down. 

The video says that they raise their voice, shout out loud and make every crusade a personal one because "It is all for a good reason. Because we believe courage needs decibels. An inertia needs a good jolt."

"So that our emotions may deliver the solutions we seek. So that our echo carries on to shape our tomorrow. So that the fire raging within us may ignite action India needs."

Is that a good enough response? Seems pretty subjective. Times Now ends the promo saying 'action begins here'. Laying all speculations to rest, the channel just confirmed that the action will continue, and so will the shouting.

Watch the promo here.

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