Supreme Court of India
Supreme Court of IndiaIANS

Satisfying the collective conscience of Hindu upper caste in the name of sub-classification of SC reservation

The observations by several members of the SC’s Constitution bench lack empirical evidence and overpower the constitutional arrangements in this case, where any changes in SC/ST reservation should be the prerogative of Parliament, not the judiciary.
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What does the history of Irish Home Rule show? It is well-known that in the course of the negotiations between the representatives of Ulster and Southern Ireland, Mr Redmond, the representative of Southern Ireland, in order to bring Ulster into a Home Rule Constitution common to the whole of Ireland, said to the representatives of Ulster: "Ask any political safeguards you like and you shall have them." What was the reply that Ulstermen gave? Their reply was, "Damn your safeguards, we don't want to be ruled by you on any terms." People who blame the minorities in India ought to consider what would have happened to the political aspirations of the majority if the minorities had taken the attitude that Ulster took ( Babasaheb Ambedkar, 1936, Annihilation of Caste).

If one seriously goes beyond the popular political narrative around reservations constructed by the Hindu upper caste, then the above illustration by Babasaheb Ambedkar takes us back to the origin of reservations in India, not as mere welfare measures but as core negotiations between the modern Indian State and Scheduled Castes as a minority. The question remains: Has the Indian state fulfilled this negotiation?

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