Why Vellore corporation has been asked to apologise to the judge who convicted Jayalalithaa

Why Vellore corporation has been asked to apologise to the judge who convicted Jayalalithaa
Why Vellore corporation has been asked to apologise to the judge who convicted Jayalalithaa
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The News Minute | December 20, 2014 | 11.55 am ISTThe AIADMK cadre had gone berserk when the Bangalore Special Court had convicted their leader and the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu J. Jayalalithaa in the disproportionate asset case on September 27.The cadre had abused the DMK people and BJP’s Dr. Subramanian Swamy, who they had thought were the main people behind pushing the case against their leader. The AIADMK cadre had also put up extremely abusive posters of the judge, John Michael D'Cunha, who had convicted her, which was a clear case of contempt of court. However, the Vellore Municipal Corporation went a step further in its expression of anger and grief. The corporation passed a resolution criticizing the judge for convicting Jayalalithaa. Taking exception to the resolution, DMK’s R.S. Bharathi moved the High Court.The first bench of the High Court of Madras asked the Vellore Municipal Corporation to issue a public apology for its controversial resolution criticizing Judge Cunha.Mayor of Vellore Karthiyayini filed an affidavit in the court expressing deep regret and apologizing for the act. She even submitted that she was ready to make an unconditional apology through press statements, Times of India reported. The judges said that they were “inclined to accept the apology and regret. She shall issue a press release and publish her regret and unconditional apology in newspapers. A copy of the affidavit filed in court, along with our orders should be sent to Cunha." They further said, "We hope what has happened will not arise in the future and the deponents are truly apologetic for what they have done. It is this hope which is restraining us from taking any further action."The controversial resolution that was passed has been decided to be withdrawn. As per the District Municipalities Act, only the state government could cancel such resolutions. The judges also asked the government to take necessary action within a week. Tweet

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