Bandaru raises four points in his defense on Rohith Vemula suicide case

The Minister has said his role was limited to forwarding the representations.
Bandaru raises four points in his defense on Rohith Vemula suicide case
Bandaru raises four points in his defense on Rohith Vemula suicide case
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In the wake of the suicide of Dalit research scholar Rohith Vemula of Hyderabad Central University and with fingers being pointed at Union Minister Bandaru Dattatraya, the Minister has clarified his stand in the matter.

These are the four points he has made:

On 10th August 2015, I received a representation on the state of affairs in the University of Hyderabad, which disturbed me greatly and I forwarded the same to the MoHRD. In the hope that things in the campus would change for the better.

On 29th August 2015, I received a second representation in this and this too I forwarded to the MoHRD with a request, to look into the matter and to do the needful.

The University of Hyderabad, is an autonomous institution with established procedures and I have no role in the administration of the University.

My role was only limited to forwarding these two representations. I would have happily forwarded representations of any other student body, if they were to have approached me.  

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