Hindi not needed to unite India: Karnataka’s pushback on language imposition grows

Over the last few years, there is visible and sustained push back against Hindi imposition in Karnataka. Before that, the agitation against Hindi imposition was more visible in Tamil Nadu. Karnataka’s push back on Hindi imposition is more than an emotional issue. From blackening Hindi boards in metro stations to social media campaigns, the push back is visible both online and on the streets. This is sometimes dismissed by many, even many in the mainstream media as parochialism or language chauvinism. There are real concerns about the growing dominance of Hindi in public services, education, and employment, where non-Hindi speakers are at a disadvantage. In this week’s Let Me Explain, Pooja Prasanna breaks down the anti-Hindi imposition movement in Karnataka, highlighting the core issues of linguistic rights, regional identity, and the growing calls for equal opportunities in both education and jobs.
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The News Minute